Workshop #6


Summer Ice Cream Art

As summer season comes around, the weather has become hotter and hotter, reminding us the saccharine joy of Ice Cream to indulge in! For this workshop, Dreamers’ Palette presents the Ice Cream Decoration Art, making our own imaginative, favorite flavor of Ice Cream! Decorate your Ice Cream and cool your summer off!


Workshop #6 Video Link!


My reflection after the workshop:

I just cannot believe this is the sixth workshop I’m doing at the Ronald McDonald House since I’ve started. Even though I have done this multiple times throughout my sophomore year, I still feel jumpy and nervous whenever holding and running the workshop in the house. However, the ecstasy and the profound sense of accomplishment and gratitude I have for being able to do the workshop never cease. Every time I see those children who enjoy doing my workshop and have deep interest in art, I feel so grateful to see them progress their art skills and enjoy the creative process itself. The parents always thank me for the workshop, and I always say that I’m even more thankful for them coming to my workshop. I truly, profoundly feel the warmth in their hearts whenever I talk to them while their kids work on their art, and I always love answering their questions regarding my project at RMHD. They always tell me they are immensely impressed with my initiative, and that gratitude and warmth they hold toward me as a person always boost my intrinsic motivation to keep going forward and improving my project. For today’s workshop, I was able to see a family with three kids, truly enjoying the art project and the process behind it. Additionally, Amy, a special kid to me personally who attended my workshop since last year October for about five consecutive times, also was here today during this workshop. Although I would like to give gifts to all the children I met so far, I was able to get a special gift for Amy: a Hello Kitty Unicorn doll. She always wanted this doll so much, and she kept drawing a Kawaii unicorn on a blank page after finishing whatever project my workshop had. Both Amy and her mom seemed so happy, indescribably happy, that it was such a touching moment for me to experience. I’m profoundly grateful I got to know Amy through my project, and I hope a surgery goes well for Amy, which is in September! Forever I’m going to remember this kid, and I hope she keeps coming to my workshop until she leaves! I hope I reach more children through this summer break as well!


Workshop #7


Workshop #5